
Special route for entering the State University

Since some of PTN BHMN status (State Owned Legal Entity) public universities have the authority to regulate and manage the educational services it has collected independently.

Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) has been the pioneer universities in Bandung in the application of these BHMN. To support this, the year 2003 ITB started to conduct an independent examination to recruit prospective students outside the track SPMB (Selection Admissions) or what is now called SNMPTN (National Selection Sign State University). Self-organized selection is named USM ITB ITB or Exam Entry Screen ITB.

Several years later, in 2006, Padjadjaran University (Universitas Padjadjaran) became the second university after the ITB which entered independent examination by a SMUP (Padjadjaran University Entrance Selection). Lapse of one year, this step is followed Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) through UM-UPI (UPI Entrance Exam).

Over the years, always look so high public concern against public universities. For this reason, public colleges and universities to open a special channel to meet the public interest. As an alternative route, this route was considered positive by society, because it could be another path toward college dreams.

For instance, every year three thousand more Unpad recruit new applicants through the SPMB / SNMPTN. While the number of applicants reached 60,000 this point further. Therefore, Padjadjaran University and other universities to provide seats for a special channel.

At the beginning of the implementation of this particular point, public colleges and universities to provide not exceed the quota quota regular path (path SPMB / SNMPTN). In the first year organizing this special line, ITB only provide seats as many as 13-20 percent, or about 300-500 seats. Similarly with the second to fourth year, provided seats are always moving between 20-30 percent, though could also provide up to 45 percent for the chair of a special point in the year 2005.

However, in 2007, the percentage of seats are starting to shift to larger numbers. An increase in the chair could reach more than 100 percent. Even in the year 2008, the number of seats already above the special track chair at the point SPMB / SNMPTN.

The phenomenon of the increase in quota this particular point does not only look at the ITB. Padjadjaran University who conducts SMUP, providing 1,500 seats, or about 30 percent in its first year. In the second year, the number of students accepted SMUP break the three thousand students, an increase of 100 percent. Number of seats lasted until the fourth year of implementation of self-selection.

As with the UPI. In the first year of implementation of self selection, provided the quota is 40 percent. In the second year, this quota has decreased, although only slightly. Surprisingly, this year 2009 quota UPI adding bigger seats and even exceed the regular route.

Seeing this phenomenon, the community needs to continue to monitor the quota given higher education providers on a regular route. Will continue to shrink or balanced than the number of students in special line? If still equal, public universities still provide opportunities for citizens with limited income to higher education. If in fact the number of regular flights continue trimmed seats, it is questionable whether PTN is still on track or it will turn into mere commercial institutions.

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