
Steep road into Higher Education Favorites

Fatigue is implied in his face. Just this morning he set foot in the city of Bandung. Mother with her skinny physique overnight, it has been quite tiring journey from Cilacap to Bandung by using bus transportation. Objective one, registering their children to the Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB).

This year is special for the Mariana (40), mother's name. Because, the eldest son who became the pride of this family will be a student. Long time had a save, for the needs of his son entered college. For he was well aware of today's lecture there was nothing cheap.

His son will follow an integrated entrance exam (USMT), ITB. Plans to major in Chemical Engineering or Environmental Engineering. "Take the test now, they cost less compared with ITB exams in the region," he said.

If children come in, he is obliged to pay contributions of academic development funds (SDPA) is Rp 25 million. "It's not cheap, so I save a far-distant days in advance in order to facilitate a child's desire," he said.

Mariana was well aware about the consequences of the cost. This is not the first time he applied for his son. Previously, he also enrolled his son at the University of Gajah Mada (UGM) in Yogyakarta, but did not graduate.

Costs per semester are estimated at more than USD 2 million, was ready they guaranteed. "When in SMA Taruna Nusantara Magelang, every month I transfer Rp 2.5 million. So, for this class is not really much different," said Mariana.

Although unconfirmed received at ITB, at least she can relax. Cost of education is not a problem, because the savings are sufficient. In contrast to the image (18), a prospective student from Bandung. "I want to try to track scholarships for those who can not afford," he said.

Although he knew the opportunity to earn a scholarship was not large, but still try. For his father who was a technician, the cost of college in the tens of millions of rupiah, it is not affordable.

"If passed beasiswai not accepted, will participate SNMPTN (national selection into public universities).'ll Want to also try Unpad or UPI. All manner that can be reached should be pursued," said the girl who wanted the school in civil engineering.

Jenab (40) have yet another story. Until now, children have not bought a single registration form. He was still giddy. "Still searching for information. I've prepared a ten million rupiah, but I'm sure there will be a way for my child," said primary school teacher (elementary school) was.

He said the cost savings are not enough to enter through an independent examination was conducted in the PTN, as desires for her son. Hence, while applying for loans to state banks to be able to cover the costs involved.

Meanwhile, Rahman (45) craftsmen of traditional herbal origin Kab. Ciamis, created a headache for the money amounting to Rp 125 million. That much money, for an entrance fee to the Faculty of Medicine at the University Soedirman (General Soedirman) through special channels. "The plan to sell rice," he said.

SNMPTN for prospective students are like war. He had to scramble for PT college choice, with hundreds or even thousands of others. For the sake of ideals and a better life, the battle must be faced.

Not just a war for the prospective student, went to college was also a war for parents. Ideals for the sake of children, all can be cultivated. The hope, one day all that hard work will pay off with his son's success.


Although many routes are provided ITB. Every road taken containing the consequences of different cost. "People live to see his ability, want to go where the path," said Senior Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) Surahman Adang.

According to him, the people's choice should be tailored to individual ability. For those who have the ability, more able to use the expensive route. For those who just barely, can pass SNMPTN line with the risk of competition is very tight.

Adang not specify what that limit is available for each of the routes. However, he made sure the track would not alter the composition of the economic strata ITB students. According to him, the students are rich in ITB no more than 30%. While the middle class of about 40% and the number of poor students is estimated around 30%.

"To point a local revenue estimated at about 25% only, for the acceptance of integrated sedangkang approximately 35% only. The rest, through SNMPTN approximately 40%. This means the number of the rich around 30%, the rest are not accepted can follow another path. While SNMPTN intended for those who can not afford his chances 40%, greater than the number of poor students of the magnitude of about 30%. So, do not worry about quotas for the rich is not much, "he said.

Each year an average of ITB receive around three thousand students S-1. They are scattered in various progrom study or majors in college.

At the University of Padjadjaran (Padjadjaran University), Bandung, SNMPTN path is still a major revenue lines. "We still provide a quota of 55% of capacity, which exists to SNPTM and the remaining 45% we collect from SMUP. This year the quota was still like that," said Weny.

Nevertheless, comparisons can not be denied that such quotas still can not balance the number of registrants in each lane. In 2008 for example, the number of interested students on track SNMPTN Unpad more than than 50,000 people. While the existing capacity of only 3795. While SMUP capacity of 3176 only 17,271 people contested registrant. That is, the opportunity to enter SNMPTN Unpad through 1:13 and 1:5 for SMUP.

Rector of the University of Indonesia (UI), Prof.. Dr. Gumilar Rusliwa Soemantri said, at this year's UI will receive five thousand students. Acceptance process, through various channels integrated reception system, interest and talent search path, the path of cooperation and other areas.

The main point of emphasis is to recruit students of UI quality. "We're not doing commercialization, because the pressure is looking for qualified students, in order to UI 200 universities into world-class," he said.


According to Dr. educational observers. H.M. Didi Turmudzi, M. Si, maps incoming PTN competition in the cheap route, indeed could not be more difficult dielakan. "This is, not separated from the application of the Law Legal Education since 1 January 2009," he said.

These rules, says Didi, operational (PTN only 20% is borne by the government. "Condition and this policy, forcing the state university to find a way to find sources of funding. One way is to open a path independent revenue," says Didi.

Didi explained, the funds from the path of self acceptance PTN clearly necessary to continue to fix itself, in order to meet the qualifications of the ideal in terms of managerial, human resource quality, and fasilitas.PR

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